Accepting things as the way they are is a pivotal attitude to use, especially while healing our vaginismus, dear. Here in this post, we’ll uncover more about the attitude of genuine acceptance and how it can be crucial on our vaginismus healing journey. But before we get to how I faced my uncomfortable parts of myself and how I dealt with it, are you new here? Then you’ll have to check out these other helpful
Do you ever find yourself self-sabotaging? How often does it feel like you have caught yourself acting like this? When does it happen the most? Are you aware of this behavior while it’s happening, dear? In this post, we’ll uncover the impact of sabotaging ourselves on our vaginismus healing journey and how to transform it into one which wants to empower ourselves to feel whole once more! But before we get to how I faced
The truth is in order to dilate on our own, we’ve got to know where our vaginal entry is, dear. As a woman who had vaginismus, I know that it can be a huge challenge to do that when looking there can be a challenge in itself! Sometimes opening our legs, looking at our vulva, and then touching there can be a HUGE STRUGGLE for us, but it’s SO NORMAL, dear. In this blog, we
Dilating is one of the main components for healing our vaginismus, yet it’s highly challenging to be consistent on it. Here in this post, we’ll uncover why we might feel unmotivated and how we will not allow this feeling to stop us from dilating! Let’s be honest, my dear, dilating is not fun AT ALL, especially when we are highly sensitive and reactive to inserting anything into our vagina because of vaginismus! That’s THE FACT!
Today, in this post, I want to share a very personal experience; how I faced my shadow self which reminded me of the parts of myself which were incredibly uncomfortable to handle while living with vaginismus- and how I chose to deal with it. Two days ago, my dear friend, I had a massive fight with my partner. It seemed to be over nothing when you look back at it, but there was still a