cure vaginismus
That’s a great question!😊 I had been struggling with vaginismus for more than 10 years and then I cured it, this is my story. So I know how difficult it is to take action to cure vaginismus. This is why I am sharing my experience with you so that you don’t waste your years ignoring the contentment you deserve. Mindfulness meditation can teach us a new way to respond to the difficulties of life. Recently,
Are you struggling with painful sex? Inserting a tampon or your finger inside your vagina is almost impossible? Then, you might be struggling with vaginismus. This article will explain what it is and what 4 ways that I find important to overcome vaginismus. Then I’ll dive into one of the ways more in detail. But first, I want to share part of my story with you. I had been suffering from vaginismus for over 10
Especially if you are struggling with vaginismus, you might experience lots of ups and downs often, which is totally normal. Yet, there are ways to get back to your center when you encounter with any difficulty. So what are those ways? Well, I highly recommend you to follow those 3 steps to center yourself in the midst of chaos: STEP 1: Prepare a list of 10 activities that rise you up (it can be also
I lived and worked in a farm for 10 weeks as an intern. I was totally out of my comfort zone. Never worked in a farm, even never stayed in a farm that long. I was constantly getting triggered from each moment. As I remember we were 4 women and 16 men. Most of those men were young, at their 20-25’s. According to all of us as women, they often were willing to perform or
I remember my first exam. That was a horrible experience, not the examination’s itself, well, it couldn’t happen to be a real examination but the reaction of the doctor is still fresh in my mind, like it happened yesterday. I went to a clinic for routine check as a first time in my life when I was 19. At the very moment that I saw the examination seat, my whole body started to contract so

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