If you are struggling with any difficulty in your life, especially vaginismus, then what you need to understand is, such difficulties can help you learn the skills to remain balanced. Why I say here “especially vaginismus” is because I have been STRUGGLING with this condition for ages and eventually cured it. At the time my dominant attitude towards my condition was to take it very personally which led to me avoiding it as best I
Today we’re going to talk about how to heal vaginismus even when we are single. It is the approach I took, and I got healed without anyone around to have sex with. 😊 So, who am I? Ok, let me give you some insight into who I am. My name is Petek and right now I guide women with vaginismus to overcome their condition through sharing my signature program. You can see more details here.
When I look back at the time I had vaginismus, there was a constant thought running through my mind: “I want to overcome this condition.” Really? I mean was I being totally honest with myself? I want to point this out because my actions were not reflecting my thoughts, at the time, I didn’t even realize this, and I want to tell you why. Before I get to that let me introduce myself. Hi! My
I had been struggling with vaginismus for a very long time and then finally I could take action so that I got healed from it. You can find my story here. So I know how difficult it is to deal with the “little woman” in your mind who is constantly telling you “you are going to fail”, “you’re not good enough”, “you don’t deserve” etc. 😊. Her hurtful comments never seem to stop,
Am I being clear enough? 😊 Let’s break it down. Aren’t we tired of repeating the same frustrating argument in our head over and over again as we fight with our lady bits to cooperate and relax a little? Can you see why this is a paradox? How can we expect our vaginas to work the way we want them to when the main thoughts that cross our mind when thinking about her