
How to Center Yourself in the Midst of Chaos?

Especially if you are struggling with vaginismus, you might experience lots of ups and downs often, which is totally normal. Yet, there are ways to get back to your center when you encounter with any difficulty.

So what are those ways?

Well, I highly recommend you to follow those 3 steps to center yourself in the midst of chaos:

Star on LG G5STEP 1: Prepare a list of 10 activities that rise you up (it can be also less)

Write them down when you feel in balance. They don’t have to be things that you need to plan before, they can be like drinking hot cappuccino 😊

(this is one of my favorites actually 😊 )

or connecting with one of your besties, or going for a run, or doing yoga, or taking meditation class and do meditation with people or whatever they are, write them.

Star on LG G5STEP 2: When you feel low, recognize your pattern of behavior drags you down

What is it? Is it self talk, or making up stories? Is it blaming yourself of behaving in that way? So is it judgmental you here on the stage?

What is it? DEFINE IT!

Star on LG G5STEP 3: Look at your list, pick one of them and DO IT!

Don’t think about it, EXPLORE IT!

You are gonna feel the difference.

Notice how you feel afterwards.

Now, you started to change your RESPONSE to your PATTERN.

As you repeat it, it’ll become your habitualized behavior! Congratulations 😊

The more you choose an alternative way to respond to your OLD PATTERNS, the less you’ll have ups and downs!

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